At Bridgepoint Chiropractic, our technique of choice is referred to as "diversified". This technique is the traditional “hands-on” form of treatment that involves adjusting the joints of the spine and extremities. If you prefer not to be adjusted, or we determine after examination that adjustments are not recommended for you, you may receive soft tissue therapy (a form of massage) or joint mobilization. Mobilizations are gentle movements similar to an adjustment, but with less force and depth. The motion is repeated several times in a rhythmic pattern to produce an effect equal to that of an adjustment.
As with most muscle or joint problems in the body that develop over time, it can take just as long to correct them. Your treatment schedule may start out with several visits in the first week or two, but the frequency of treatments will decrease as your condition improves. Similar to a course of antibiotic medication, your Chiropractic treatment is correcting the source of the problem. Even after the symptoms disappear, it is important to finish your course of treatment to ensure the cause of your complaint has been eliminated.
Most patients require no further treatment once fully recovered from their acute injury but choose to continue with regular maintenance care. These visits help to ensure their bodies are functioning optimally. Similar to a dental check-up, regular Chiropractic visits can help monitor and prevent problems before they become serious.